Shop Staff - Pattern Favourites
Our fabulous staff at Rosehaven are some of my very favourite people and friends. Funnily enough Vera and I share a birthday and Erynn is only a few days before us so we are all under the Cancer horoscope sign. Which of course means we are a bit excitable, sensitive, empathetic and get a bit nutty around a full moon! Diane is our well grounded one in the group, which is why she makes such a fabulous teacher!
I asked all the Rosehaven Yarn Shop staff to tell me about 3 of their favourite patterns to knit and here is what they told me...
Erynn Ahern - Shop Manager who tries to keep Lesley on track and not constantly creating new dye colours for yarn!
Erynn loooves Stephen West and promises to some day haunt the streets of Amsterdam via bicycle in search of him so she can chat him up about all his designs!
Felix Cardigan by Amy Christoffers
Slipstitchstravaga by Stephen West
Ripple Halter by Jessie Mae
Vera Doling - Our very cheerful & helpful Knitting Enthusiast + Yarn Enabler
Vera - likes simple but interesting knits

Lilacs and Marigold shawl by Chic & Regal…Vera says all of her patterns are always well written, and it was lots of fun doing mosaic stitches.

Diane Richer - Shop Knitting GURU & teacher

But Diane's absolute favourites is all the gnomes by Sarah Schira. No surprise to most of us that are in the shop. There are gnomes everywhere!!! Diane says that creating those little creatures are the best! Plus they use up all the scrap yarns that tend to accumulate.